Bugs Fixed

I have just repaired some problems that I had been having with my website.  First of all, I changed to a different Google Analytics plugin, because it was conflicting with my photo galleries. The program that tracked visits and sent them to Google Analytics for analysis caused the photo slideshow program to not work.  I have fixed that now, and everything works perfectly.

Also, I moved a smaller version of my photo to the sidebar and put a slideshow on the front page instead.  I think that makes it look more dynamic.

Now, enough of these finicky details. Time to start blogging!

Website Improvements

Since my website has been up the past several weeks, I discovered some problems which I have now, for the most part, fixed.  My photo galleries stopped working, and apparently that was because when they synced, some of the ID numbers changed. I redid all my photo galleries, which also improved the layout and made the images full-framed instead of cropped in ways I did not like.

The Highslide slideshow program, which makes the photos pop out, does not work except in the sidebar, and I’m aware of this and I am working on it. I think it is a conflict with the plugin that tracks my visits through Google Analytics.

I will shortly reformat the opening page to have a slideshow of various things in my life and move my headshot photo from there to the sidebar.

Welcome to my Brand-New Website!

Hi there!  My website www.daviddougherty.net is back!  It is new, improved, and totally revamped.  My previous website was way out-of-date (I had not added any content since maybe 2003), and was hand-coded in HTML the old-fashioned way.  Now I’m on WordPress, which is a fantastic content management system, and I have a new hosting provider, Hostmonster, which is both cheaper than Yahoo, and far less limiting in its options.

I invite you to take a look around!  In the past year I have done a lot of traveling, and soon I will add some blog posts about my trips.  If you want to get to know me better, I invite you to check out my pages about my various interests.  I know that it is a lot to wade through, just look at the parts that interest you!  I enjoy sharing photos of my travels and activities, and I hope my blog can become a great place for me to reflect and discuss various issues!