Welcome to my Brand-New Website!

Hi there!  My website www.daviddougherty.net is back!  It is new, improved, and totally revamped.  My previous website was way out-of-date (I had not added any content since maybe 2003), and was hand-coded in HTML the old-fashioned way.  Now I’m on WordPress, which is a fantastic content management system, and I have a new hosting provider, Hostmonster, which is both cheaper than Yahoo, and far less limiting in its options.

I invite you to take a look around!  In the past year I have done a lot of traveling, and soon I will add some blog posts about my trips.  If you want to get to know me better, I invite you to check out my pages about my various interests.  I know that it is a lot to wade through, just look at the parts that interest you!  I enjoy sharing photos of my travels and activities, and I hope my blog can become a great place for me to reflect and discuss various issues!